So, I tried a new way of doing the lottery this year. And with the small number of unlucky people this year (earlier race date? getting bored with it? sick of not just getting in like many other races? who knows) I just pulled up and started pulling numbers (since Excel had the rows numbered... it was easy!). If your number came up, you were put on the waiting list. Sorry! If it makes you feel any better I think we went through about 50 waiters all told last year. So I would be shocked if I didn't end up notifying all of the waiters that they are in by the end of Feb.
Having said that... if you are on the official roster and can't make it. LET ME KNOW by emailing isaac.m.giesen AT gmail DOT com. I can then get you off of the list and move someone in.
I will not be accepting any email requests to be added to the waiting list. So if you aren't on either the Roster or Wait List... you are out of luck. Lots of other great rides though. So don't sell your bike just yet!
Without further ado:
Having said that... if you are on the official roster and can't make it. LET ME KNOW by emailing isaac.m.giesen AT gmail DOT com. I can then get you off of the list and move someone in.
I will not be accepting any email requests to be added to the waiting list. So if you aren't on either the Roster or Wait List... you are out of luck. Lots of other great rides though. So don't sell your bike just yet!
Without further ado:
Abel, Matthew | |
Anderson, Bruce | |
Anderson, Jon | |
Backman, Daniel | |
Bakker, Carl | |
Barr, Megan Bell, David | |
Bell, Pete | |
Belz, Rob | |
Benton, Joel | |
Berhane, Hanah | |
Berkland, Sam | |
Birkemeier, Ryan | |
Brager, Luke Brendal, Randy | |
Bushendorf, Jeff | |
Bushinski, Mark | |
Callas, Bill | |
Carey, Andrew | |
Carroll, Paul | |
Cary, Neal (O) | |
Clark, James | |
Clausen, Ted Condon, Cody | |
Cotter, Shawn | |
Cox, Ben | |
Cure, Bob | |
Curtis, Rick | |
Davis, Kyle | |
Deckert, Steven | |
DeMars, Joe | |
Denis, Charles | |
Denis, Matt | |
Dingemans, Max | |
Donovan, Jack | |
Dorow, Linda | |
Dresler, Dennis | |
Earley, Ken Egbers, John | |
El Medkouri, Mohammed | |
Elson, Brandt | |
Engen, Mark | |
Engen, Matt Erickson, Thomas | |
Estes, Lynn (???) | |
Foster, Todd | |
Fournier, Maggy | |
Funke, Dan | |
Gaffke, Dustin Garrett, Jim | |
Greenwaldt, Tyler | |
Gruhn, Leah | |
Hamlin, Joe | |
Hathaway, Eric | |
Haye, Jeff | |
Hedin, Cory | |
Hest, Robert | |
Hey, Ben Hippen, Scott | |
Hoffard, Timothy | |
Hoogendam, Ian | |
Hunter, Melissa | |
Johnson, Kirk Jungers, Jake | |
Karnopp, Roger | |
Karow, Eddie Kern, Jon | |
Kies, Scott | |
Knox, Dave | |
Kueffer, Dan | |
Kueffer, Fred Lageson, Andy Lalonde, Jesse | |
Lalonde, Mark | |
Landreville, Michael | |
| |
Lee, Mike | |
Lemke, Nicholas | |
Lewis, Tim | |
Lien, Brent | |
Lindberg, Gary | |
Loosen, Ted | |
Loye, Jon | |
Mailen, Sean | |
Matalamaki, John | |
McDaniel, Kent | |
Meiser, Joe | |
Meulebroeck, Scott Mohr, Jere | |
Mosimann, Rob | |
Nederloe, Tryg
| |
Nickles, Ray | |
Nygård, Jonas | |
O'Neill, Jeff | |
Oney, Ben | |
Parsons, Charles Perez, Jose | |
Peterson, David | |
Pettes, Jeff | |
Pletka, Bruce | |
Rambow, Meredith | |
Rasmussen, Bryce | |
Riley, Matt | |
Ringold, Tom | |
Ringuette, Jim | |
Roeser, Josh "Pork Chop" | |
Rogers, Cole | |
Sauber, Larry | |
Schad, Charlie Schlinz, Kyle | |
Schneider, Jay | |
Schneider, Joshua Schulz, Thad | |
Seaburg, Mark | |
Seipp, Carrie Shanafelt, Todd | |
Sheedy, Patrick | |
Sheldrake, John | |
Shouse, Corey | |
Shupe, Jeff | |
Sobota, Kyle | |
Soltis, Steve | |
St. Pierre, Sam | |
Strate, Chelsea | |
Stringfield, Ryan | |
Stuckman, Chris | |
Stunek, Kurt | |
Sundquist, Christian | |
Thornton, Jeremy | |
Thueringer, Frank | |
Tobias, Sam Tri, Charly | |
Tuma, Robert | |
Venteicher, Lee | |
Vold, Sveta | |
Watchmaker, Todd | |
Watercott, Mike | |
Webb, Matt | |
Weeks, David | |
Weinzierl, Andy | |
Weisbrod, Heath Wentz, Lindsay | |
Wentz, Nathan | |
Wilson, Drew | |
Wolf, Charles | |
Woll, Dan | |
Woods, Brian | |
Zylstra, Ken |
WAIT LIST (with horrible formatting... hooray for blooger!)
empty... closed up.... no more... | |
Thanks again and get training! OR not! As long as you remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU I'm good with any level of readiness!
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